
The “glorious work” for United States and Canada in “both the Formative and Golden Ages of the Bahá'í Dispensation”

In the Tablets of the Divine Plan… which may be designated as the Charter of the Plan with which He was to entrust them in the evening of His life, He, in a language still more graphic and in terms more definite than those used by either the Báb or Bahá'u'lláh, revealed the high distinction and the glorious work which America, and particularly the United States and Canada, was to achieve in both the Formative and Golden Ages of the Bahá'í Dispensation. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From a letter dated June 15, 1946; ‘Messages to America’)


The potential effect of the “Power of the Holy Spirit” on North American natives

In the Tablets of the Divine Plan, the Master pays the utmost attention to this most important matter. He states that if the Power of the Holy Spirit today properly enters into the minds and hearts of the natives of the great American continents that they will become great standard bearers of the Faith, similar to the Nomads (Arabians) who become the most cultured and enlightened people under the Muhammadan civilization. 
- Shoghi Effendi  (From letter written on behalf of the Guardian to the National Spiritual Assembly of Brazil, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Venezuela, August 22, 1957; compilation: ‘Lights of Guidance’)


Tablet to the Bahá’ís of the Southern States

O ye heralds of the Kingdom of God:

A few days ago an epistle was written to those divine believers, but because these days are the days of Naw-Rúz, you have come to my mind and I am sending you this greeting for this glorious feast. All the days are blessed, but this feast is the national fête of Persia. The Persians have been holding it for several thousand years past. In reality every day which man passes in the mention of God, the diffusion of the fragrances of God and calling the people to the Kingdom of God, that day is his feast. Praise be to God that you are occupied in the service of the Kingdom of God and are engaged in the promulgation of the religion of God by day and by night. Therefore all your days are feast days. There is no doubt that the assistance and the bestowal of God shall descend upon you.

In the Southern States of the United States, the friends are few, that is, in Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas. Consequently you must either go yourselves or send a number of blessed souls to those states, so that they may guide the people to the Kingdom of Heaven. One of the holy Manifestations, addressing a believing soul, has said that, if a person become the cause of the illumination of one soul, it is better than a boundless treasury. “O ‘Alí! If God guide, through thee, one soul, it is better for thee than all the riches!” Again He says, “Direct us to the straight path!” [Qur’án 1:6] that is, Show us the right road. It is also mentioned in the Gospel: Travel ye to all parts of the world and give ye the glad tidings of the appearance of the Kingdom of God. [Cf. Mark 16:15]

In brief, I hope you will display in this respect the greatest effort and magnanimity. It is assured that you will become assisted and confirmed. A person declaring the glad tidings of the appearance of the realities and significances of the Kingdom is like unto a farmer who scatters pure seeds in the rich soil. The spring cloud will pour upon them the rain of bounty, and unquestionably the station of the farmer will be raised in the estimation of the lord of the village, and many harvests will be gathered.

Therefore, ye friends of God! Appreciate ye the value of this time and be ye engaged in the sowing of the seeds, so that you may find the heavenly blessing and the lordly bestowal. 

Upon you be Bahá’u’l-Abhá! 
‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of the Divine Plan’)


The Second Tablet of the Divine Plan

It was revealed by ‘Abdu’l-Baha on Monday morning, March 27th 1916, in the garden adjacent to the Shrine of Bahá'u'lláh, addressed to the Bahá'ís of sixteen Southern States of the United States: Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, Arkansas Oklahoma, and Texas. 
- Hand of the Cause Balyuzi  (‘Abdu'l-Baha - The Centre of the Covenant’)


“'Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablets of the Divine Plan… have summoned the followers of the Abha Beauty to the spiritual conquest of the planet”

….the present Four Year Plan… outlines the duties of the people of Baha until the end of the twentieth century and mobilizes them to forge ahead and accelerate the process of the fulfillment of the divine prophecies. These teaching plans, which have successively set the worldwide Bahá'í community on the move and broadened the boundaries of the Faith, are the results of the creative power of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablets of the Divine Plan, which, for more than eighty years, have summoned the followers of the Abha Beauty to the spiritual conquest of the planet. These teaching plans will continue until the Golden Age. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a message dated March 1997 addressed to the Iranian believers - translated from Persian)


'Abdu'l-Baha's Tablet to the Bahá’ís of the Northeastern States - in Persian

احبّاء و اماء رحمن در  ٩   ايالات شمال شرقی ايالات متّحده مين، نيوهامشار، رودايلند، کن نکتيکت، ورمنت، پنسيلوانيا، ماساجوست، نيوجرزی، نيويورک عليهم و عليهنّ التّحيّة و الثّنا
هُو اللّه
ای مناديان آسمانی ايّام نوروز است هميشه بياد آن ياران مهربان هستم و از درگاه احديّت طلب تأييد و توفيق مينمايم تا آن جمع مانندشمع در اقاليم امريک برافروزند و نور محبّت اللّه در قلوب روشن نمايند تا انوار تعاليم آسمانی خطّه امريک را مانند اين فضای نامتناهی بنجوم هدايت کبری روشن و مزيّن فرمايد
ايالات شمال شرقی در ساحل اتلانتيک مثل ايالات مين نيوهامشارماساجوست، رودايلند، کن‌نکتيکت، ورمنت، پنسيلوانيا نيوجرزی، و نيويورک. در بعضی اين ايالات احبّائی موجود ولی در بعضی شهرهای اين ايالات هنوز نفوسی بانوار ملکوت روشن نشده‌اند و از تعاليم آسمانی خبر ندارند لهذا از برای هر يک از شماها اگر ممکن باشد بآن شهرها بشتابيد و چون ستارهها بنور هدايت کبری برافروزيد خداوند ميفرمايد "و تری الارضهامدة فاذا انزلنا عليها الماء اهتزّت و ربت و أنبتت من کلّ زوج بهيج" ميفرمايد زمين خاک سياه است چون فيض ابربهاری ببارد آنخاک سياه باهتزاز آيد و گلهای رنگارنگ بروياند يعنی نفوس انسانی چون از عالم طبيعت است مانند خاک سياه است چون فيض آسمانی برسد و تجلّيات نورانی هويداگردد باهتزاز و حرکت آيد و از ظلمات طبيعت رهائی يابد و گلهای اسرار الهی بروياند پس بايد انسان سبب نورانيّت عالم انسانی گردد و تعاليمی که در کتب مقدّسه بوحی الهی نازل ترويج دهد در انجيل شريف ميفرمايد بشرق و غرب سفر کنيد و جميع را بنور هدايت کبری روشن نمائيد تا از حيات ابدی بهره و نصيب گيريد الحمد للّه ايالات شمال شرقی در نهايت استعداد است و چون زمين پر قوّت است باران فيوضات الهی نازل گردد حال بايد شما دهقان آسمانی گرديد و تخم پاک بيفشانيد هر تخمی برکتش محدود است ولکن تخم تعاليم آسمانی فيض و برکتش نامحدود و در ممرّ قرون و اعصار متّصل خرمنها تشکيل کند در اسلاف ملاحظه نمائيد که در ايّام مسيح نفوس مؤمن ثابت معدود قليلی بودند ولی چنان برکت آسمانی نازل شد در سنين معدوده جمّ عظيمی بظلّ انجيل درآمدند در قرآن ميفرمايد که يک حبّه هفت خوشه برآرد و هر خوشه صد دانه بدهد يعنی يک دانه هفتصد دانه گردد و خداوند اگر بخواهد مضاعف ميفرمايد چه بسيار واقع که نفس مبارکی سبب هدايت مملکتی شد حال نظر باستعداد و قابليّت خويش نبايد نمائيم بلکه نظر بعنايت و فيوضات الهيّه در اين ايّام نمائيم که قطره حکم دريا يابد و ذرّه حکم آفتاب جويد و عليکم و عليکنّ التّحيّة و الثّناء       ع‌ع
  مكاتيب عبدالبهاء الجزء الثالث


To the Bahá’ís of the Northeastern States

O ye heavenly heralds:

These are the days of Naw-Rúz. I am always thinking of those kind friends! I beg for each and all of you confirmations and assistance from the threshold of oneness, so that those gatherings may become ignited like unto candles, in the republics of America, enkindling the light of the love of God in the hearts; thus the rays of the heavenly teachings may begem and brighten the states of America like the infinitude of immensity with the stars of the Most Great Guidance.

The Northeastern States on the shores of the Atlantic—Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York—in some of these states believers are found, but in some of the cities of these states up to this date people are not yet illumined with the lights of the Kingdom and are not aware of the heavenly teachings; therefore, whenever it is possible for each one of you, hasten ye to those cities and shine forth like unto the stars with the light of the Most Great Guidance. God says in the glorious Qur’án: “The soil was black and dried. Then we caused the rain to descend upon it and immediately it became green, verdant, and every kind of plant sprouted up luxuriantly.” [Qur’án 22:5] In other words, He says the earth is black, but when the spring showers descend upon it that black soil is quickened, and variegated flowers are pushed forth. This means the souls of humanity belonging to the world of nature are black like unto the soil. But when the heavenly outpourings descend and the radiant effulgences appear, the hearts are resuscitated, are liberated from the darkness of nature and the flowers of divine mysteries grow and become luxuriant. Consequently man must become the cause of the illumination of the world of humanity and propagate the holy teachings revealed in the sacred books through the divine inspiration. It is stated in the blessed Gospel: Travel ye toward the East and toward the West and enlighten the people with the light of the Most Great Guidance, so that they may take a portion and share of eternal life. [Cf. Mark 16:15] Praise be to God, that the Northeastern States are in the utmost capacity. Because the ground is rich, the rain of the divine outpouring is descending. Now you must become heavenly farmers and scatter pure seeds in the prepared soil. The harvest of every other seed is limited, but the bounty and the blessing of the seed of the divine teachings is unlimited. Throughout the coming centuries and cycles many harvests will be gathered. Consider the work of former generations. During the lifetime of Jesus Christ the believing, firm souls were few and numbered, but the heavenly blessings descended so plentifully that in a number of years countless souls entered beneath the shadow of the Gospel. God has said in the Qur’án: “One grain will bring forth seven sheaves, and every sheaf shall contain one hundred grains.” [Cf. Qur’án 2:261] In other words, one grain will become seven hundred; and if God so wills He will double these also. It has often happened that one blessed soul has become the cause of the guidance of a nation. Now we must not consider our ability and capacity, nay, rather, we must fix our gaze upon the favors and bounties of God, in these days, Who has made of the drop a sea, and of the atom a sun.

Upon you be greeting and praise!
‘Abdu’l-Baha  (‘Tablets of Divine Plan’)


The instrument ‘Abdu’l-Baha devised for the proclamation of the Faith to the remotest corners of the Earth was the Divine Plan laid out in the fourteen great Tablets of the Divine Plan

As war's inferno was engulfing the world, 'Abdu'l-Bahá turned His attention to the one great task remaining in His ministry, that of ensuring the proclamation to the remotest corners of the Earth of the message which had been neglected -- or opposed -- in Islamic and Western society alike. The instrument He devised for this purpose was the Divine Plan laid out in fourteen great Tablets, four of them addressed to the Bahá'í community of North America and ten subsidiary ones addressed to five specific segments of that community. Together with Bahá'u'lláh's Tablet of Carmel and the Master's Will and Testament, the Tablets of the Divine Plan were described by Shoghi Effendi as three of the "Charters" of the Cause. Revealed during the darkest days of the war, in 1916 and 1917, the Divine Plan summoned the small body of American and Canadian believers to assume the role of leadership in establishing the Cause of God throughout the planet. The implications of the trust were awe-inspiring. 
(‘Century of Light’ document, prepared under the supervision of the Universal House of Justice and published in 2001)


First Tablet of the Divine Plan in English

English translation of the first Tablet of the Divine Plan which was addressed to the friends in the northeastern states of the United States. It was on the back and front of two postcards, and bearing the original signature of ‘Abdu'l-Baha. They were sent, along with their original Persian, to the address of Hooper Harris, a prominent Baha’i in New York City. This was during World War I.


Original first Tablet of the Divine Plan

The original Persian of the first Tablet of the Divine Plan which was addressed to the friends in the northeastern states of the United States. It was written in Persian, on the back and front of a postcard, and bearing the original signature of ‘Abdu'l-Baha. They were sent, along with their English translations, to the address of Hooper Harris, a prominent Baha’i in New York City. This was during World War I.


The Administrative Order of the Faith is “an instrument for the carrying out of this great Charter”

It was the Guardian himself, the beloved "sign of God", who, through his exposition and interpretation of the Revelation, through his discipline and education of the Bahá'í community and through a series of national plans assigned to the various units of that community, forged the Administrative Order of the Faith and made it an instrument for the carrying out of this great Charter, and he himself designed and launched the first global plan, the unique, brilliant and spiritually glorious Ten Year Crusade. The victories of that crusade implanted the banner of Bahá'u'lláh throughout the planet and the following Nine Year Plan reinforced and extended the bastions of the Faith and raised the number of National Spiritual Assemblies the - supporting pillars of the Universal House of Justice -- to one hundred and thirteen, a number increased to one hundred and fifteen by the formation at this Ridvan of the National Spiritual Assemblies of Hong Kong and South East Arabia. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (Ridvan message, 131 B.E., 1974)


Tablets of the Divine Plan is the “Charter for the propagation of the Faith throughout the world”

The Five Year Plan to which this community is now summoned is the opening campaign of these critical years. It is the third global plan embarked upon by the Army of Light in its implementation of 'Abdu'l-Bahá's Divine Plan, that world-encompassing programme disclosed in His perspicuous Tablets and described by the Guardian of the Cause of God as the Charter for the propagation of the Faith throughout the world. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (Ridvan message 131 B.E., 1974)


April 26-30, 1919: Unveiling of the Divine Plan for the Northeastern States

Delegates and friends attending the Eleventh Annual Mashriqu'l-Adhkar Convention and Baha'i Congress in New York City (Star of the West, vol.10, no.4, May 17, 1919) The first Tablet of Divine Plan was read at this gathering.


One of ‘Abdu’l-Baha’s secretaries recalled how the Master revealed the first Tablet of the Divine Plan

On Monday morning, March 26, 1916, he was sitting peacefully in his room in Bahji, now and then looking out of the window over the olive grove, beyond the sea and far it seemed into the infinitude. Suddenly he turned his wonderful, penetrating eyes upon me and asked me to chant one of the prayers of Baha’u’llah. As I continued my chant I felt a strange consciousness coming over me a realization of my unworthiness in being permitted to live so long and so near the divine presence of Abdu’l-Baha. When I finished the prayer he looked at me with charming sweetness, that soft, dancing light in his eyes and said: "Thou must be infinitely grateful to Baha’u’llah that He has chosen thee to be with me for so long a time. Surely it must be for a great purpose that is not apparent at the present time. It will become clear in the future. Now bring pen, paper and ink and I will dictate a Tablet for America.
- Ahmad Sohrab  (From a talk by Ahmad Sohrab at the Eleventh Annual Mashriqu’l-Adhkar Convention and Baha’i Congress, held in McAlpin Hotel, New York City, April 26th 30th, 1919; Star of the West, vol. 10, no.4, May 17, 1919)

Original addressed to Mr. Hooper Harris, New York City, N. Y. care J.  H. Hannen, Washington, D. C. Received August 19, 1916 (Star of the West, vol. 7, no.10, September 8, 1916)

This Tablet was first printed in Star of the West, Vol. 7, No. 10, September 8, 1916.


The “Charter for the teaching of the Faith”

As you are no doubt aware, the Tablets of the Divine Plan, which were revealed by 'Abdu'l-Bahá during the First World War, are the Charter for the teaching of the Faith. All the teaching plans launched by the beloved Guardian, as well as those subsequently directed by the Universal House of Justice, are stages in the implementation of this master plan conceived by the Centre of the Covenant for the diffusion of the Message of Bahá'u'lláh. 
- The Universal House of Justice  (From a letter written on behalf of the Universal House of Justice to an individual believer, September 29, 1977; compilation: Lights of Guidance)


'Abdu'l-Baha revealed the first Tablet of the Divine Plan

It was revealed on Sunday morning, March 26th 1916, in 'Abdu'l-Bahá's room at the house in Bahji, addressed to the Bahá'ís of nine North-Eastern States of the United States: Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Vermont, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, New Jersey, and New York. 
- Hand of the Cause Balyuzi  (‘Abdu'l-Baha - The Centre of the Covenant’)


There are fourteen Tablets of the Divine Plan

The Tablets of the Divine Plan are fourteen in number and were revealed at two separate times by 'Abdu'l-Baha: eight of them in 1916, and six in 1917. 
- Hand of the Cause Balyuzi  (‘Abdu'l-Baha - The Centre of the Covenant’)